Hunt Club Liability Insurance
Up to $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage. The Virginia Deer Hunters Association, Inc. has an affordable insurance program for you & your hunt club! This insurance protection is offered through Heritage Insurance Partners to VDHA affiliate clubs.
Why does your club need coverage? Today many landowners require liability protection on their property. These property owners carry, or require the clubs that lease their land to carry, liability insurance.
This special liability policy will protect the club and club members while involved in club sponsored activities on club premises or at any other location in the United States or Canada.
We believe that such a program would be greatly advantageous to your membership.
Advantages for your club:
$1,000,000.00 of protection per occurrence
No deductible
Low Minimum Premium
Single Application
Will Offer Additional Leasing Opportunities
Landowner Coverage for a Small Fee
Emergency Medical Transportation Coverage
Products & Completed Operations
Personal Advertised Injury
Fire Legal Liability
Policies Offered Through an A+ BEST Rated Admitted, Domestic U.S. Insurance Co.
Other types of coverage available:
Archery Clubs
Fishing Clubs
Commercial Hunting
Commercial Ranges
Rates, limits of liability and VDHA club requirements are available upon request. Interested clubs should email, write or call:
Virginia Deer Hunters Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 34746
Richmond, Virginia 23234-0746